
Belalp Webcam

Belalp is a village and ski resort in the Swiss canton of Valais, 2'100 m above sea level, in the municipality of Naters.


su Piazza Trento Trieste webcam

Webcam su Piazza Trento Trieste 
a city in northern Italy (northwest of Venice) on the River Adige; the site of the Council of Trent

Trieste (Trieste; Slovene and Croatian: Trst) is a city and port in northeastern Italy very near to the Slovenian border, to the North, East and

plaza: a public square with room for pedestrians; "they met at Elm Plaza"; "Grosvenor Place"


Basel webcam Livebilder vom Barfüsserplatz

a city in northwestern Switzerland

Basel ('ba:zəl, also Basle bɑːl, German: Basel 'ba:zəl, French: Bâle bɑl, Italian: Basilea bazi'lɛːa, Raeto-Romance: Basilea bazi'lɛːa) is Switzerland's third most populous city (165,529 inhabitants (2006); 731,000 inhabitants in the metropolitan area stretching across the immediate cantonal and national boundaries made Basel Switzerland's second-largest urban area as of 2004. Located in north-west ...

Ausflug Parco Avventura / Adventure Park / Seilpark

Der Seilpark von Gordola ist ein in der Luft schwebender, akrobatischer Park, der im Gebiet des Sportzentrums von Gordola integriert ist.

Dank aufgehängter Seile und Plattformen aus Holz und Seilen können die Teilnehmer gesichert eine Strecke zwischen Bäumen bewältigen. Gleichgewicht, Konzentrationsfähigkeit, Koordination und zum Teil auch Kraft sind dafür unerlässliche Eigenschaften.

Der Abenteuer Park erlaubt Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen dank neuer, naturnaher, ökologischer und sicherer Vergnügungsformen sich wieder mit der Natur in Einklang zu bringen, dem Alltag zu entfliehen, Abenteuer und fröhliches Zusammensein mit Freunden oder mit der Familie zu erleben.


Zermatt - Church square webcam

Church Square is the historic centre of the city of Pretoria, South Africa.

Web Cam: Zermatt - Church square 

Zermatt - Aroleid webcam

Zermatt - Aroleid webcam

Web Cam: Zermatt - Aroleid 


Tucson, AZ United States webcam


View from the 2.1-meter telescope catwalk


Underwater World live webcams

Underwater World may refer to: * Underwater World, Singapore * UnderWater World, Queensland * UnderWater World, Guam * Underwater World, Nanjing ...

golfo di sorreto da S.Agnello(NA)-live cameras

Mediterraneo is an Italian film that won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1991. The film is set during World War II
Sorrento is a town in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, United States. The population was 1,227 at the 2000 census
Hotel Mediterraneo Sorrento (NA)


Kalami Corfu

Kalami is a Dardic language spoken in northern Pakistan.
Corfu (Κέρκυρα, Kérkyra, ; Κέρκυρα or Κόρκυρα; Corcyra; Corfù) is a Greek island in the Ionian Sea.

The Rose bowl construction-Leeds Metropolitan University

Leeds Metropolitan University, a Student Centred Great North Uni of Festivals and Partnerships